
Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

At GMD Extraordinaire, we are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect about you to maximize the services that we provide to you. The GMD Extraordinaire respects the privacy and confidentiality of the information provided by you and adheres to the Internet laws in the United States govern all matters relating to this Website.. Please read our separate Privacy Policy carefully.

You may change your details at GMD Extraordinaire any time by advising us in writing via email. All information we receive from our customers, is protected by our secure servers. Furthermore, all of the customer data collects is secured against unauthorized use or access. Credit card information is not stored by us on our servers.

GMD Extraordinaire does not and will not sell or deal in personal or customer information. We may however use in a general sense without any reference to your name, your information to create marketing statistics, identify user demands and to assist it in meeting customer needs generally. In addition, we may use the information that you provide to improve its website and its services but not for any other use.